
Toronzo Cannon
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7:30 pm

Fri, May 16

Toronzo Cannon

Supper Club

Doors open: 6:00 pm

Piping Hot Chicago Blues
$20 AdvanceAdv, $25 Day of ShowDay of
Frankie Scinta
play video

8:00 pm

Fri, May 16

Frankie Scinta

Concert Hall

Doors open: 6:30 pm

"The Showman" A Maestro of Entertainment
Disco Inferno
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8:00 pm

Sat, May 17

Disco Inferno

Concert Hall

Doors open: 6:30 pm

No Standing, Only Dancing!
$12 AdvanceAdv, $18 Day of ShowDay of
The Cars Brunch with Moving In Stereo
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1:00 pm

Sun, May 18

The Cars Brunch with Moving In Stereo

Supper Club

Doors open: 12:00 pm

Just What You Needed
$12 AdvanceAdv, $18 Day of ShowDay of
The Italian American Museum of Cleveland presents A Shoemaker’s Tale
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6:00 pm

Sun, May 18

The Italian American Museum of Cleveland presents A Shoemaker’s Tale

Concert Hall

Doors open: 4:30 pm

A Fundraiser for IAMCLE - For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Pamela Dorazio Dean at 330-285-2950
Mike Zito
play video

7:30 pm

Wed, May 21

Mike Zito

Supper Club

Doors open: 6:00 pm

Award-Winning Bluesman
$20 AdvanceAdv, $25 Day of ShowDay of
Steamroller: The James Taylor Tribute
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7:30 pm

Fri, May 23

Steamroller: The James Taylor Tribute

Supper Club

Doors open: 6:00 pm

A Masterful Tribute to Sweet Baby James
$20 AdvanceAdv, $25 Day of ShowDay of
Allman Brothers Tribute by Revival ABB
play video

8:00 pm

Fri, May 23

Allman Brothers Tribute by Revival ABB

Concert Hall

Doors open: 6:30 pm

Cleveland's Bluesy Southern Rock
$20 AdvanceAdv, $25 Day of ShowDay of
Everly Brothers Tribute by Lightning Express
play video

7:30 pm

Sat, May 24

Everly Brothers Tribute by Lightning Express

Supper Club

Doors open: 6:00 pm

Bringing the Everly Brothers’ Legendary Sound to Life
$18 AdvanceAdv, $25 Day of ShowDay of
Noche en Blanco featuring Karibe Son

9:30 pm

Sat, May 24

Noche en Blanco featuring Karibe Son

Concert Hall

Doors open: 9:00 pm

Presented by Tropical Cleveland


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