Neil Diamond Tribute

by The Diamond Project
Why you should see this show…
If you’re looking for a true replication of an energetic live Neil Diamond concert, look no further, because The Diamond Project is coming to the Music Box! Gary Gomez and crew have been called an absolute must-see worthy of the Vegas Strip, with hits spanning Neil Diamond’s legendary career. Come for the fun and soon you’ll be singing along “good times never seemed so good.”
The Diamond Project Bio
The band is dedicated to performing a true replication of the musical stylings of a live Neil Diamond concert. Rather than give the audience a straight studio version of Neil’s classics, they strive to incorporate the excitement, energy and musicianship that only a live show can provide. Their commitment leaves you with the satisfaction that you have experienced a true and well deserved tribute to one of America’s foremost talents…. Neil Diamond!
Dining Option
Our Concert Hall menu is fast to the table and allows you to dine right in your ticketed seat. Tableside food service will start when doors open and the kitchen will close approximately halfway through the show. Tableside beverage service will continue throughout the concert.